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About Me

I am the Library Media Specialist for Saint Joseph Academy in Brownsville, Texas. I love my job and I love the people I work with, both faculty and students. Of course, I love to read lots of different types of books but I especially like to help my patrons find what they want to read and help them to learn how to find what they need in terms of information.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 6, Thing 13

Already starting to find great sites by just exploring SJLibraryLearning2.
I saw a great one for developing lesson plans, another application for building you own templates to use in other 2.0 applications, and right now I'm downloading a video link for info from a guy who maintains a site called "Library Thingtims".

Looked around at the Delicious account set up by the SJL Library and could see all kinds of applications. I want to experiment with the tag bundle application that I saw on their page. I have set up my account but unfortunately I'm working on a wireless network right now that is not very fast so I gave up trying to set up my bookmarks for now. I would like to set up a network badge for my library web page for easy access for my students to an account or accounts for just the library. I'm wondering though if I will have to do some in-service and class instruction on the use of tags. (Yay!! I got my first two sites bookmarked finally...this network is slow...)

I found a great article about social bookmarking from Library Journal while I was looking at the SJL delicious page. I did a search of the tag "bookmarking" as suggested and found the article. It says just about everything there is to say about the positive benefits of using a social bookmarking tool like delicious. The most important aspect I think of utilizing this tool as the article points out is the lowering of barriers to the patron in participating in the addition of information to the library. If the Library web page included tag clouds or delicious accounts for various research projects, it would also encourage patrons (faculty and students) to create their own delicious accounts and develop information pathways for their own and others use.

Of course being able to access your bookmarks from any computer is wonderful. I have lost mine so many times that I hate to admit. Also, being able to share the sites you've found with others is a great opportunity. I've found so much just in the couple of hours I've spent tooling around delicious and the SJL delicious account for 2.0. I did add the icons to the toolbar on my laptop since Mozilla supports the add on. It's great!

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