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About Me

I am the Library Media Specialist for Saint Joseph Academy in Brownsville, Texas. I love my job and I love the people I work with, both faculty and students. Of course, I love to read lots of different types of books but I especially like to help my patrons find what they want to read and help them to learn how to find what they need in terms of information.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Library Stuff, Thing 9

One of the sites I have set up on my iGoogle Library page as an RSS feed is Library Stuff and is a weblog maintained by Information Today. It's just a good place to keep up with stuff that could make a difference in the library. Another site I really like that has an RSS is the Shifted Librarian. It's a fun site to look at and it has some great ideas. It's basically another blog but the links to other blogs are great and the page is maintained with a great sense of humor, very empowering to librarians. I have also added Unshelved, Librarian's Internet Index,, LISNews, and the things mentioned in the earlier posts.

Any of the search tools worked well for the specific areas I tried. I think I liked the Google search tool the best for blogs as it wasn't as subject specific. If I needed something to do with current events, I might go for Topix or Technorati. But, in a way, the blogging like all other information portals can become overwhelming in terms of the information one might have to sort through. I could spend way too much time doing this. Another interesting place to look for blogs is Blogdigger which searches blogs not only by subject but by geographic location. I put in several searches using my zip code but didn't come up with anything. I think in a larger metropolitan area, it would be very helpful.

1 comment:

ESC1 said...

I entered my zipcode in Blogdigger and got some results, but not many. I know of several blogs from this area that do not come up.