dewey diva

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About Me

I am the Library Media Specialist for Saint Joseph Academy in Brownsville, Texas. I love my job and I love the people I work with, both faculty and students. Of course, I love to read lots of different types of books but I especially like to help my patrons find what they want to read and help them to learn how to find what they need in terms of information.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Thing 18, Week 8

Using Zoho Writer is great. I love the tool bar and the ability to share the document. Any web based application is so time saving and means less space is needed on your own or the school's servers. I'm a little frustrated right now because I assumed there would be some drawing tools in the application like there is in word and other word processing applications but so far, I can't find them. When I looked around at the template feature, there were a lot of great ones you could add to your account's library such as a multiple choice test. This would be a great feature to share with faculty members. I also found a sample resume form which I'm always helping students to develop as well.P

I imported a document that had the the image from my iGoogle Library Stuff page that I had tried to import to the blog before. I then posted the document to my blog and it sort of worked as you can see. Posting to the blog is a great tool within Zoho but it seems like there ought to be a way to see the whole document by either clicking on it to enlarge or something. I'll keep working! You can insert a hyperlink to my Zoho account but it doesn't go directly to the document and I'm sure if I weren't already logged in to Zoho, it probably wouldn't show the file at all. Hmmm...

1 comment:

ESC1 said...

I couldn't find drawing tools either, but I found and explored the Zoho wiki tool.